Saturday, October 28, 2006


i lost my cell phone. i liked it a lot; it was a wierd Nokia that they made for a short time, a 5100. it looked like an overdesigned Nike running shoe, and it was durable like a shoe.

i musta dropped it one night last week, in town. i picture it getting run over or something, very sad. and now i am missing a big part of my long term memory; about 250 names and numbers, all gone. wah.

i have just recieved my new Nokia flip-phone, a 6126, and i'm not in love with it yet. it seems cheap and plastic-y. and it has all these cool features that arn't really all that great. like it takes video clips, but only 3 fucking seconds long it turns out. what good is that?

but maybe i will grow to like it. and it's a phone, not a cam-corder, anyways.

i might go look to see it i can switch it to a different one.

and i keep looking in shruberies in town to see if i'll find my old phone laying there in the leaves.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

update - picture of a couch

so here is a picture of a couch that is sold new, from Chintz, here in town. for a lot of cash.

it looks a fair bit like the one i had my eyes on... except this one isn't "camel-back" it's sort of more "sway-back"

the arms one the auction one were lower, and there was a bit more wood detail coming up the face of the arms.

so the couch and two chairs went at the auction for one third the cost of this one item.


not some online thing, but an actual auction. i haven't been to one in a VERY LONG TIME. i went to the Kilshaws one tonight, which was interesting. i am looking for a couch, to put in what will be the New Living Room. There were two there tonight, both of which i would have been very very happy to take home, but they both went for way more than i thought they would, and more than i was going to pay. so now i have some thinking to do. as in, maybe i need to be willing to pay more?

i haven't really been looking for too long, and so i'm still just getting used to the idea of what things cost, especially with used furniture. One of the couches was a nice chocolate brown leather thing, with good square lines, and nice wide arms, and also had a companion love-seat. the other, which actually came up first, was a purple 40's sort of thing, with the woodwork details, nice chanel-back design, and had two chairs with it. actually i fell in love with it, and kinda wish now that i had been willing to go higher; it went for $550 or so, and if i had bid on it might have just gone even higher, of course. thinking about it now i shoould have at least been willing to go for $600. well, now i know that.

wish i had pictures of these couches to show you.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


a very small post with a pic from a few days back of the house reno. the pix i didn't take today woulda looked kinda boring. a few days yet before things start to seem interesting again. we did tear apart a lot of wiring in the attic, to move a few lights and plugs, and we did order a small number of tiles to tile the entrance corner into the living room. 17.5 square feet of tile, something like 250 bux. damn. hope they look fucking fantastic.

here is the old pic of tearing the fireplace out.

Mythology of an Art Goddess

Mythology of an Art Goddess

this is my cool sister.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

house reno

tearing apart the living room. i wish it could just have been a fresh coat of paint. i suppose it could have been constrained to that, but the ceiling had stippling that looked bad, like stippling does, and sure didn't suit the house in any way. so really the best way to get rid of stippling is to tear all the drywall on the ceiling down and take it to the dump, then put up all new drywall. cool.

and then there is - was - the old crappy fireplace with the worst fake-brick facade ever known. out that comes.... no fireplace. instead, a nice hole in the roof and ceiling where the chimney used to be. anyways, i did get the hole in the roof buttoned up today, with a sheet of galvanized metal. good to reclaim that part of the living room. i hope to put a gas fireplace back in someday, in a different position, with a much better mantle and surround. and a remote control.

not that i don't like an actuall WOOD stove or fire, but gas is cleaner, and not having a pile of wood in the small living room is cleaner. and there are some nifty gas fireplaces that look like old coal-burning fireplaces from a hundred years ago, like the house.

so this is like day 4 or so. the project is moving slow. the wall to wall carpet is gone, the linoleum and plywood is gone, now there is a very distressed and patchy old fir floor, the original one. not sure what to do with that. it sure does look rustic.

see what happens over the next couple days.