Saturday, October 28, 2006


i lost my cell phone. i liked it a lot; it was a wierd Nokia that they made for a short time, a 5100. it looked like an overdesigned Nike running shoe, and it was durable like a shoe.

i musta dropped it one night last week, in town. i picture it getting run over or something, very sad. and now i am missing a big part of my long term memory; about 250 names and numbers, all gone. wah.

i have just recieved my new Nokia flip-phone, a 6126, and i'm not in love with it yet. it seems cheap and plastic-y. and it has all these cool features that arn't really all that great. like it takes video clips, but only 3 fucking seconds long it turns out. what good is that?

but maybe i will grow to like it. and it's a phone, not a cam-corder, anyways.

i might go look to see it i can switch it to a different one.

and i keep looking in shruberies in town to see if i'll find my old phone laying there in the leaves.


Blogger Lady K said...

I guess you can't phone your old phone now that you have a new one...

Hmmm, I suspect losing yor phone meant you were out dancing and partying the night away. Which is what I'd like to hear about in blog messages..

4:32 AM  

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