Sunday, October 01, 2006

house reno

tearing apart the living room. i wish it could just have been a fresh coat of paint. i suppose it could have been constrained to that, but the ceiling had stippling that looked bad, like stippling does, and sure didn't suit the house in any way. so really the best way to get rid of stippling is to tear all the drywall on the ceiling down and take it to the dump, then put up all new drywall. cool.

and then there is - was - the old crappy fireplace with the worst fake-brick facade ever known. out that comes.... no fireplace. instead, a nice hole in the roof and ceiling where the chimney used to be. anyways, i did get the hole in the roof buttoned up today, with a sheet of galvanized metal. good to reclaim that part of the living room. i hope to put a gas fireplace back in someday, in a different position, with a much better mantle and surround. and a remote control.

not that i don't like an actuall WOOD stove or fire, but gas is cleaner, and not having a pile of wood in the small living room is cleaner. and there are some nifty gas fireplaces that look like old coal-burning fireplaces from a hundred years ago, like the house.

so this is like day 4 or so. the project is moving slow. the wall to wall carpet is gone, the linoleum and plywood is gone, now there is a very distressed and patchy old fir floor, the original one. not sure what to do with that. it sure does look rustic.

see what happens over the next couple days.


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