Saturday, August 19, 2006

after-staggs plural.

train wreck.

so actually there were two staggs. i dropped in at another friends stag for a bit late one night the week before the afore-mentioned weekend-long stag. it was a fun hour and a half... good fun. gave a few guys rides home (i only had two beer) went to bed.

about three weeks later, i get a phone call, from a friend(?) freeking out at me saying i'm spreading lies and untruths about her. many, many phone calls later to many people... me with my stomache in a knot, a social train-wreck, angst, a good friend who listens well... and here i am.

the "moral" of all this; don't tell off-coloured jokes and use ironic humor at a stag. a bunch of very drunk guys, one of which listens to all i said, hears it wrong, decides i'm a very bad person, and never thought to ask me during the following days about what i had said or meant by any of it. don't try to be whitty around a bunch of guys that are going to take it all so wrong.

i'm begining to feel better about myself, the angst is deminishing, and i have decided a few friends might not have been such great friends... especially drunk-listener-guy, and the woman who wasn't there but believes what he tells her a couple weeks later. yeah, there's a credible witness. one guy puking, one guy dancing around with his pants off doing the "tuck" pretending to be a stripper, and one guy making mental notes to self.

i guess i've gotten to the point today, this evening, that i know who my friends still are, and i know who can go fuck off.

the good part is that the stag-guy, and the lady who is now married to him, are still my friends, and have been great the last couple days to me. i am more fond than ever of them both, and appreciate thier support and wisdom. thank you guys.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006



the stag guy didn't get damaged. we had fun, drank lots, went tubing down a river Saturday afternoon. that is my new favorite thing :)~